Our First-Generation 访问 Days are campus visit opportunities designed specifically with prospective first-generation college 学生 in mind. First-generation 学生 are defined as neither parent having a four-year college degree. It's with excitement and great pride that we welcome more than 40% of 学生 to North Central as first-generation college 学生!
Group visits are available, too! High school counselors and teachers interested in bringing a group of first-generation 学生 to campus for a visit should contact the Office of Admission 在admissions@noctrl.edu. Please include the name of your high school, the date you are requesting to visit and the anticipated size of your group in your email message. Our Campus 访问 Team will promptly get in touch with you regarding your request. Group visits will include a panel discussion with some of our current first-generation 学生 and the opportunity for your 学生 to meet one of our professors who is also first-gen.